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ICN Alimiyyah Programme

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Account Name: ICN Edu Academy

Bank Name: Nat West Bank
Sort code: 60-80-09
Account number: 70471134
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Islamic Centre Nottingham
3 Curzon St, St.Anns
Nottingham, NG3 1DG
September 2024 Enrolment:
Please click on the link below to register for the Alimiyyah Programme:



The Messenger of Allah has taught us, “Whoever Allah almighty desires good for, He will grant them an understanding of the religion, and indeed knowledge is only attained by study.” (Sahih al-Bukhari)  


If you have just finished your A levels and are looking for something that is intellectually stimulating yet deeply spiritual, the Alimiyyah programme is for you.  


The Muslims of the modern world are unknown inheritors of a great intellectual tradition which combines the rational sciences with the transmitted sciences. Much of the modern world is built on the great achievements in knowledge made by great Muslims minds. The ICN Alimiyyah programme seeks to revive this great tradition of knowledge whilst contextualising it for seekers in the UK. An incredibly vast range of subjects will be taught such as, Arabic language, Aristotelian logic, Philosophy, Theology, Islamic Law and legal theory, Spirituality, Quranic Exegesis and Hadith disciplines. All of this combined is designed to illuminate the mind of the seeker to become a true inheritor of the Prophet’s legacy. 


Course Leader: Shaykh Naveed Jameel Qadiri


Cost: Free


Accommodation: Limited number of spaces available

Online study option is also available for both brothers and sisters.



Please click on the link below to register for the Alimiyyah Programme:

Link to Registration Form


Please WhatsApp or call: 07960643441

Please send an email to: islamiccentrenottingham@hotmail.com



Course structure 


Year 1: 

Subject  Content   Subject details 
Arabic Etymology (Sarf)  MIzan al-Sarf 


Talilat Khadimiya 

Sarf is the study of the etymology behind words in the Arabic language. Students will learn the different types of verbs and nouns, how they are made and the special meanings they can give. 
Arabic Syntax (Nahw)  Nahw Mir  Nahw is the study of syntax and sentence structure. Students will be taught the different types of sentences, how they are analysed and how different modes of expression can be formulated. 
Arabic literature (Al-Adab al-Arabi)  Mufid al-Talibin  Students will practically apply the grammar they have learnt in the previous modules and will develop their ability to read Arabic texts through this short work of Arabic literature. 
Qu’ran  Translation/I’rab  The translation and sentence structure of the Qur’an will be analysed. 
Hadith  Al-Arba’un al-Nawawiya  Students will be introduced to the vast Hadith tradition through this beautiful collection. This will benefit the students greatly in their spiritual development and nurturing. 
Aqida (Doctrine)  Bad al-Amali  Students will be expected to memorise this short text in classical doctrine as well as gaining a beginners understanding to the science of Aqida. 
Al-Fiqh al-Hanafi (Islamic Law)  Munyat al-Musalli  This text entirely focuses on the legal rulings pertaining to the prayer. Students will learn the rulings of the prayer as well developing their ability to read Arabic texts. 


Year 2: 

Subject  Content   Subject details 
Arabic Etymology (Sarf)  Tasrif ‘Izzi 

Ilm al-Seegah 

Students will study these works in order to strengthen their knowledge of Arabic etymology and provide them with a strong ability in recognising different types of words as well as the meanings they can convey. 
Arabic Syntax (Nahw)  Sharh Miat Amil 

Hidayah al-Nahw 

Sharh Miat Amil is an excellent work to understand the different types of particles and the meanings they convey in the Arabic language. Hidayah al-Nahw expands the syntax rules students covered in the first year and will cover the rules in much more detail. These texts are vital for proficiency in Arabic.  
Al Fiqh al-Hanafi (Islamic Law)  Nur al-Idah  This is a classical work in the laws pertaining to the acts of worship. Students will learn the rulings of purification, prayer, Zakat, fasting and Hajj. 
Aqida (Doctrine)  Al- Kharida al-Bahiya  This classical text will provide students an intermediate understanding of Doctrine of the Ash’ari school. Students will study this text with its commentary. 
Hadith  Mukhtasar Riyadh al-Saliheen  Riyadh al-Saliheen is amongst the most widely read hadith works. The chapters within are all related to perfecting character and spirituality. It will serve as an excellent introduction to the more expansive works of hadith as well as nurturing the mind and soul of the student.  
Sirah (Prophetic Biography)  Sirat al-Mustafa   Students will read and study the beautiful life of the Messenger of Allah through this comprehensive work. Seerah studies provide us with an insight into Prophetic wisdom and the struggles and efforts of the Messenger of Allah. 


Year 3: 

Subject  Content   Subject details 
Arabic Syntax (Nahw)  Sharh Qatr al-Nada  This comprehensive work in Syntax will provide students with a great level of depth in Syntax. It will also give them a good introduction to the application of the rules of Syntax to classical Arabic poetry which is vital for understanding more advanced texts. 
Al Fiqh al-Hanafi (Islamic Law)  Mukhtasar al-Quduri  Students will cover this primer in Hanafi fiqh, focusing on Financial law, Marriage and Divorce and the Islamic justice system. 
Usul al-Fiqh (Islamic Legal Theory)  Usul al-Shashi  This classical primer in Hanafi legal theory will equip students with a strong foundation of the principles used to extract rulings from the Qur’an and Sunnah as well as an understanding of Ijma’ (consensus) and Qiyas (Analogy).  
Mantiq (Analogy)  Mirqat   The science of Aristotelian logic is vital for the development of critical thinking. Students will learn how to correctly formulate definitions, categorise and quantify and the art of deductive reasoning.  
Tafsir (Quranic Exegesis)  Tafsir Jalalayn  Students will develop a basic understanding of the meanings of the Qur’an through this brief Quranic commentary.  
Balagha (Arabic Rhetoric)  Durus al-Balagha  This text will equip students with a basic understanding of the many modes of Arabic eloquency and expression. This is key for understanding the expressions used in the Qur’an. 
Hadith terminology (Mustalah al-Hadith)  Taysir Mustalah al-Hadith  Understanding the criteria for different types of Hadith, the principles of acceptance/rejection/interpretation of the Hadith are all incredibly important skills. This foundation text will grant students an understanding of all of these issues, enabling them interact with the prophetic tradition.  


Year 4: 

Subject:  Content:  Subject details: 
Al Fiqh al-Hanafi  Fath bab al-Inaya fi Sharh al-Nuqayah  This text will provide an intermediate understanding of Islamic law as well as the ahadith used to support those rulings. 
Hadith  Muwatta Imam Muhammad  The Muwatta is one of the greatest Hadith works and amongst the earliest. This is the version narrated by Imam Muhammad from Imam Malik. It will be taught in light of the commentary of Imam Abd al-Hayy al-Lacknawi. 
Usul al-Fiqh (Islamic legal theory)  Nur al-Anwar fi Sharh al-Manar  This intermediate text of legal theory will strengthen knowledge of the principles related to the Qu’ran.  
Mantiq (Logic)  Sharh al-Tahzeeb  Not only will this text provide an excellent understanding of logic but it will develop the ability to critically read classical texts. 
Aqida (Doctrine)  Sharh al-Aqaid al-Nasafiyya  Through this advanced text of Islamic doctrine, students will learn the fundamentals of Islamic epistemology as well as a detailed understanding of the attributes of Allah. 
Nahw (Arabic syntax)  Sharh Ibn Aqil ‘ala Alfiyya ibn Malik  The Alfiyya of Ibn Malik is one of the greatest poems written on Arabic Syntax. This comprehensive commentary will provide students with a very firm understanding of Nahw at an advanced level. 
Hadith terminology (Mustalah al-Hadith)  Nuzhat al-Nazr  Ibn Hajar’s text in Hadith terminology is considered the pinnacle in terms of defining and categorising hadith. It will be taught with the commentary of Mulla Ali al-Qari. 
Balagha (Arabic Rhetoric)  Talkhis al-Miftah  This classical text of Arabic rhetoric will strengthen a students knowledge of Arabic eloquency and modes of expression. Students will primarily focus on the science of Ma’ani. 
Al Adab al-Arabi  Al Mu’allaqat al-Saba’  These poems from the pre Islamic period are excellent for the development of the students ability to understand classical Arabic. Students will study the first 2 poems. 
Ilm al-Mirath  Al Sirajiyya fi’l Mirath  This comprehensive text will teach students the detailed rulings of inheritance law in Islam.  



Year 5: 

Subject:  Content:  Subject details: 
Tafsir (Quranic exegesis)  Tafsir Baydawi  This classical commentary of the Qur’an focuses on the Arabic eloquency and linguistics of the Qur’an.  
Hadith  Mishkat al-Masabih  Mishkat al Masabih serves as an excellent introduction to the 6 great works of Hadith. Students will study selected chapters of this collection. 
Usul al-Fiqh  Muntakhab al-Husami  The chapters of ‘Ijma (Consensus) and Qiyas (Analogy) will be taught from this text.  
Al Fiqh al-Hanafi  Al Hidayah  Al Hidayah is one of the authoritative texts of Hanafi law. Students will primarily focus on marriage and divorce law as well as the laws of financial transactions. 
Dialectic Disputation (Ilm al-Munazara)  Al Rashidiyya fi fann al-Munazara   The science of dialectic disputation is incredibly beneficial for the development of critical thinking and analysis of evidences.  
Balagha (Arabic Rhetoric)  Mukhtasar al-Ma’ani  This classical commentary on Talkhis al-Miftah will serve as a completion of the students knowledge of Arabic rhetoric. Students will focus on the science of bayan and badi’. 
Mustalah al-Hadith (Hadith terminology)  Zafar al-Amani fi Sharh Mukhtasar Jurjani  This concise text will strengthen the students understanding of the nuances of hadith classification, particularly from a Hanafi perspective. 
Aqida (Doctrine)  Sharh al- Aqaid al-Nasafiyya  Students will continue this text, completing all discussions related to theology. 



Year 6: 

Subject:  Content:  Subject details: 
Usul al-Fiqh (Islamic legal theory)  Al Tawdih fi Sharh al-Tanqih  This is an advanced text on Hanafi legal theory. Students will focus on the principles and debates related to the Hadith tradition. 
Aqida (Doctrine)  Al Mu’taqad al-Muntaqad  This short text is incredibly comprehensive and contains many detailed discussions pertaining to Maturidi doctrine.  
Al Fiqh al-Hanafi (Hanafi Jurisprudence)  Radd al-Muhtar ‘ala al-Durr al-Mukhtar  As part of training for the deduction of legal issues, students will study chapters of this encyclopedia of Hanafi law.  
Ilm al-Jarh wa’l Ta’dil (Critical appraisal of hadith narrators)  Al Raf’ wa’l Takmil fi al-Jarh wa’l Ta’dil  The science of critical appraisal is vital for understanding how to categorise hadith narrators and the terminology used by the scholars of Hadith.  
Usul al-Ifta (Principles and etiquettes of legislation)  Sharh Uqud Rasm al-Mufti  This brief text will teach students the necessary etiquettes and principles related to determining the relied-upon in the Hanafi school.  
Hadith  Sahih al-Bukhari  Sahih al-Bukhari is one of the greatest collections of hadith. Selected chapters of this will be taught to students in a critical manner. 





Study schedule: 


Lesson timings to be confirmed


Term times: 

The programme will follow the normal academic year timings, with half-term holidays approximately every 7/8 weeks. Students will also have a break in Ramadhan.  



Students will be assessed on their knowledge through written exams, once before the winter break and once before the summer break. 


Student expectations: 


This programme is incredibly intense and requires dedication and hard work from the very beginning. Preparation is necessary before entering class and memorisation of the work learnt daily is vital. With this dedication, a student will progress from having zero knowledge of Arabic and Islamic studies to having an advanced understanding of each subject. 


Respect of staff, teachers and the site is necessary. Students of Islamic knowledge must be prepared to demonstrate the utmost respect and manners to their teachers, staff and their peers.  


Students will be required to attend the prayers regularly and demonstrate an embodiment of the knowledge they are studying. The purpose of this study is to attain the proximity of Allah alone. Therefore, students must engrain this purpose in their minds and work to fulfil it.  


Cost: Free



Please click on the link below to register for the Alimiyyah Programme:

Link to Registration Form



Please WhatsApp or call: 07960643441

Please send an email to: islamiccentrenottingham@hotmail.com