Fajar 6:30 am Zuhr 1:00 pm Asr 4:00 pm Maghrib 5:19 pm Isha 7:30 pm DONATE NOW
Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


One of the most important decisions and steps in life is that of getting married. Islamic center is able to provide an Imam to perform the Nikkah (Islamic marriage solemnization) ceremony. The significance of the ceremony to the bride, groom and their families is fully appreciated. The Imam takes time to meet with them to agree the format of the Nikkah and ensure that it is carried out correctly and in line with their expectations. The Imam can perform the ceremony in English or Urdu or a combination of both.

By the Grace of Allah Almighty the Imam of Islamic Center has had the honour of performing dozens of Nikkah ceremonies to date.

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