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Lessons from the life of The Messenger (SAW)

Islamic Centre Nottingham  

Wednesday 30th December 2020 

Lessons from the life of Messengerصلى الله عليه وسلم : Being a force for good in  our society 

The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم is an example for us in all aspects of his noble being.  Amongst the many things that the Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم is credited with, is the establishment  of societal justice and his struggle for betterment in the world around him.  Converting desert people deeply rooted in tribalism into a nation of God-fearing  people who prayed shoulder to shoulder with one another was no easy task but it  was one that the Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم successfully achieved through his unwavering trust in  Allah Almighty and beautiful character. From the most excellent examples of his  efforts is the partaking in the ‘Hilf al-Fudul’.  

Hilf al-Fudul (League of the Virtuous):  

A Yemeni man named Zubayr came to Makkah for the purpose of trade. In the  midst of his trade, he sold some goods ‘Aas ibn Wail, a member of the clan of Sahm.  He took the goods but refused to pay since he knew that the merchant was a lone  traveller with no one to help him and grant him what he was due. Zubayr asked  many tribes to help him with no avail until he finally climbed on the Abu Qubays  mountain and shouted for justice. In response to his call of desperation, the Quraysh  called a meeting and gathered people to help deliver justice. The youngest attendees  of his meeting were the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم in his youth and Abu Bakr (May Allah  be pleased with him). In the house of Abdullah ibn Jud’an, the chiefs and members  of tribes pledged:  

o To respect the principles of justice 

o To intervene in conflicts to establish justice 

o To help any person who enters Makkah and requires justice 

o To return that which is taken wrongfully and return it to its rightful owner  

To make the agreement sacred, they went to the Ka’bah and poured water on the  Black stone, which each man then drank from. The pact was then written and placed  inside the Ka’bah. (Sirah ibn Hisham) 

The Messenger of Allahصلى الله عليه وسلم and the Hilf al-Fudul:  

The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said, “I witnessed a pact in the house of Abdullah ibn  Jud’an that I loved more than if I was to have a herd of red camels. If I were called to  it now in Islam, I would surely answer it!”.  

Though the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم witnessed the pact in his youth, he loved the joint  efforts of all the tribes in establishing justice, as it is the most noble of endeavours.  We learn from this that justice is a universal right in Islam and all alliances and pacts  which are in favour of justice are encouraged for us to join and participate in.  

The downfalls of oppression and injustice:  

The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم has said: 

o “Avoid oppression for it is darkness on the day of judgement.” (Sahih  Muslim)  

o “Whoever seizes unlawfully a hand-span of land, a collar of seven lands will  be around his/her neck in the hereafter.” (Sahih al-Bukhari)  

o “Do not be blind followers and say, “If people do good, we will do good and  they are unjust, we will be unjust. Rather, makes yourselves firm. When the  people do good, do good, and when they do bad, do not do injustice with  them.” (Sunan al-Tirmidhi)  

o “Whoever from amongst you sees an evil, should change it with their hands.  If they cannot, then with the tongue. If they cannot then they should hate it in  their heart, and that is the weakest of faith.” (Sahih Muslim) 

The Messenger of Allah’s صلى الله عليه وسلم efforts in establishing justice were seen in the society of  Madina, where people from different backgrounds and religions all lived in  harmony under the supreme leadership of the Messenger. Unlike the leaders of  today, he did not stand for justice and benefits for his own people only but saw to it  that all members of the society were treated equally.  

Establishing social justice in the society around us, starts with us establishing justice  in our own hearts. Are we amongst those who cover up the evils which are blatant in  front of us, such as drug dealing, domestic violence, abuse etc out of fear of what  others will say? Are we amongst those who are the cause of such evils in society due  to the corruption of our hearts and the greed for the material world? Has love of the  world led us to become people of injustice, who cheat and lie to others for our own 

gain? Or are we amongst those who will stand up for the truth without fear of  anyone but our Lord, as the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم did for all those who came to him  seeking justice? We must become embodiments of the change we wish to around us  in society, only then will we prosper. It seems that we have become a Ummah of  complainers rather than an Ummah of action. The secret to the success of the  Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم in changing his people, was that he was the foremost of them in  adhering to the divine guidance and its implementation. Unlike us, who complain  about the state of the world, the oppression taking place upon Muslims and  everything else, without wanting to change our own hearts and actions.  

Indeed Allah does not change a nation until they change themselves.” (The Qur’an, Surah  Ra’d) 

How can we implement the ‘Hilf al-Fudul’ in our lives and the society around us? 

The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم has said, “There is a charity (sadaqah) due for every single  joint of the human body (as a sign of gratitude to Allah) for each day the sun rises.  To resolve the dispute between two people is a charity, to help someone with their  ride by helping them to ride it or lifting his/her luggage onto it is a charity, saying a  good word is charity, every step taken towards the obligatory prayer (in the masjid)  is a charity and to remove an obstacle from the pathway is a charity”. (Sahih  Bukhari) 

The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم has also said, “Every Muslim must give sadaqah”. The  companions asked, “If someone doesn’t find anything to give?”, to which the  Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم replied, “Then he/she should work with their hands, benefit  themselves and give charity”. They asked, “if they are unable?”, to which the  Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم replied, “They should help someone with a great need”. They asked,  “if they do not do this?”, to which the Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم replied, “They should command  the good”. They asked, “if he does not do that?”, to which the Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم replied,  “They should refrain from evil and that is a charity for them”. (Al-Adab al-Mufrad) 

These two beautiful narrations are enough to provide us with great inspiration in  implementing a concept of Hilf al-Fudul in our lives. Assisting the creation of Allah  in any manner, is a charity and is implementing the Hilf al-Fudul. Each one of us  should be a contributor to the betterment of our own community in any small way  that we can, starting first and foremost with our own families and homes. In this  way, if each person fulfils their duty to their family and their surrounding  environment, the community will naturally become a better place and then the  world. Changing our world begins first by implementing the Sunnah in our lives,  with our families and our community.  

I remind myself before others, and tawfiq is from Allah Almighty alone.

Issarar Hussain 

Graduate, Jamia al-Karam, Student of Al Azhar.  

Imam and teacher, Islamic Centre Nottingham 

Islamic Centre Nottingham 

3 Curzon street  

NG3 1DG 



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