Fajar 6:30 am Zuhr 1:00 pm Asr 4:00 pm Maghrib 5:19 pm Isha 7:30 pm DONATE NOW
Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


“Qadr” can have several meanings:

1. Destiny: The tasks for the following year are set and assigned to the angels, who
make a record of what is going to happen in the following year.

2. Excellence: The worship performed on this night has great Qadr i.e. excellence.

3. Narrowness: Angels descend on this night in such a great number that the earth is
crowded with them.

Virtues of this sacred night
This night is so significant that Allah جل جلاله revealed an entire chapter in the Qur’an (Sūrah alQadr) describing its excellence.
Translation: “Undoubtedly, We sent it down in the blessed night. And do you know what
the blessed night is? The blessed night is better than a thousand months. Therein descend
angels and Jibraīl by the commandment of their Lord for every affair. That is all peace till the
rising of the dawn” (Kanzul Īmān).
– Scholars mention that on this night Allah جل جلاله sent down the Holy Qur’an from the
Lawh-e-Mahfūz (the Preserved Tablet) to the first sky and then gradually revealed it
to His Beloved Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم over a period of approximately 23 years (Tafsīr Sāwī).
– Some of the Companions were worried that they were given shorter lifespans than
previous nations and hence could not worship as much as them. In response, Allah
جل جلاله revealed this verse to comfort and reassure the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم that His nation has
been granted one special night, in which we can attain the reward of more than
1000 months (Tafsīr-e-Azīzī).
– Hence any good act performed on this night has the potential of being written as an
action done perpetually for at least 1000 months (83 years and 4 months). No one
can actually measure the extent as to how much more reward there is! How
fortunate are we to be the followers of the Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم!
– It is reported that the Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم said: “Whoever offers Ṣalāh with faith and
sincerity at this night shall be forgiven for all of his previous sins’ (Sahīh Bukhāri).
Note: Even on this blessed night, there are some unfortunate souls who are not
forgiven! These are four types of people: (1) an alcoholic (2) one who is disobedient
to his parents (3) those who break ties with relatives (4) those who bear malice and
hold grudges against each other. (Shu’ab-ul-Īmān)
If you have wronged another person or disregarded their rights, you must seek their
forgiveness first before repenting to Allah جل جلاله.
What to do on this sacred night
– Do not overindulge in Iftār. Have a light meal so you have sufficient energy for
worship later on.
– Straight after Maghrib Salāh, recite Sūrah al-Qadr (chapter 97) at least seven times.
– It is recommended to perform a bath (Ghusl).
– Perform Isha Salāh in congregation.
– Perform Nawāfil prayers as much as possible, especially Salāt al-Tasbīh. However if
you have missed any Fardh prayers, you should make these up first, as they are more
– Recite the Qur’an as much as possible.
– Make Duā in the following order: Glorify Allah جل جلاله ,send salutations upon the Prophet
صلى الله عليه وسلم ,His noble family and Companions. Then, with utmost sincerity and devotion,
acknowledge your shortcomings to Allah جل جلاله and beseech Him to forgive you. Have
faith in your heart that no matter how great your sins are, the mercy of Allah جل جلاله is
far greater and He will surely forgive your sins. You must also make a firm resolution
not to repeat those sins in the future.
– Supplicate for your friends and family members, deceased relatives and the entire
Ummah, particularly for the Muslims who are undergoing suffering and hardship
around the world.
– The Mother of the Believers, Sayyidah Aishā Siddiqāh (may Allah be pleased with
her) asked the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم :What should I recite if I find Laylatul Qadr?
The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم replied, make this Duā:
“O Allah جل جلاله !You are most forgiving and You love to forgive, so forgive me”.
Do not waste time! This is the single most crucial night of the year.